Sad Status images in English

Sad Status images in English 

Sad Status images in English hello friends today Here Status bring for sad love quotes images, with these you can share your emotions with the community with help of WhatsApp status or on Facebook Timeline. I always try to give new and deep quotes, that will represent your emotions in a better way. My today's images are on Sad Status images in English that will give way to express your feeling through images quotes.

There is a lot of people that are suffering from pain that give them by there loved ones. If you suffering from the same pain then use my word to show them your pain, don't let that pain destroy yourself use it for your success because the pain has the strength to show the power that you have, don't cry because nobody cares about your tears. you are sleep or not nobody cares about that unless you are not worthy. I want to take you out from the love world, don't love anyone more than you because when someone hurt it feels like the end of the world and the reality is different.

  •  Secret Message 

    Secret Message

There is a secret message

For someone

Behind every status 

we all share status these days but why because mostly we want to give a message to our special person. We want to let him/her know how we feel or about our emotions.

  • The Pain 

    The Pain

Do You know who changed me?

The pain 

The pain that you gave me.

Yes, it is true pain really change the peoples, some peoples in a bad way or some people in a good way.
Yes pain makes people change.

  • I am crying

    I am crying

I was crying last night

But you probably don't care, do you? 

Did you love someone? If yes then you better understand what it means, you love him/her more then yourself and that person is know about that and react like that he/she has no idea about your feelings towards him/her but the truth is that person doesn't care about you and your emotions.

I hope friends you like Sad Status images in English so please share it with your friends or community with WhatsApp status or Facebook wall, you can give suggestions and leave feedback in comment box. For more new status images in Punjabi, Hindi or English please follow our blog Here Status. Thanks for beings here friends take care yourself and your family see you soon with new amazing or beautiful images status stay connected.
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